My fees will remain the same, except I now have a $10 (USD) fee for adjustments. If you come back to me months later and want your cover in a different trim size, formatted for a different project, such as an audiobook, this will incur a base fee of $10. If the adjustment is more than shifting a few items, cutting things, or changing text, additional fees will apply.
I will also require a non-refundable deposit before I begin any work on custom cover designs, whether print or eBook. A Paypal invoice for $30 USD will be sent and must be paid before I even look for stock photos.
These new policies will go into effect on November 1, 2012.
There will be no change in regard to Premade Cover Designs. They will remain at the set price of $40 USD and will require no deposit.
Thank you for your understanding. If you have any questions, please ask them here. I will answer as best I can.